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Church Services

At VFC Southern Africa, we are a family where people stay connected with each other. We offer a range of services to help you connect with God and transform your life, no matter where you are. Join us for our weekly services and experience the power of community and faith.


Youth and Young Adults

We believe that the youth and young adults are the future of our church and society. We offer special services and events tailored to their needs and interests, providing them with a safe and welcoming space to grow in their faith and relationships.

Bible Lesson

Bible Study

Join us for our weekly Bible study sessions where we dive deeper into the word of God and learn to apply it in our daily lives. Our experienced pastors and teachers will guide you in your spiritual journey.


Prayer and Worship

Experience the power of prayer and worship with our vibrant community. Join us for our weekly prayer meetings and worship services where we come together to seek God's presence and receive His blessings.

Life coaching

Counselling and Support

We understand that life can be challenging at times, and we are here to offer you support and guidance. Our pastors and trained counsellors are available to listen to you, pray with you, and provide you with practical advice and resources.


Outreach and Missions

We believe in sharing God's love and compassion with our local and global communities. Join us in our outreach and missions programs, where we partner with other organizations to make a positive impact and spread the gospel.


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